Saturday, August 20, 2005

Multitasking anyone?

Here I am on a slow computer using dial up...
It's not easy to multi task.
First, I'm trying to read the news...slow news day, so I decided to go to the preschool discussion groups.
We are hoping to start a preschool next year, so Joy is doing paper work, Chano is designing the place, Lolo is supervising the help working to finish the building, and I am...well, doing not much except ferreting out ideas on books, freebies, etc.
At the same time, I'm trying to post news for family here, jokes for Luke, and also link reports of the latest news of Zimbabwe on my "evil Mugabe" blog...

Not easy on dial up...

And since this is the "long distance" line, I have to be off by 8 am...

One of these days we'll sign up for DSL...but I'm low man on the totum poll here, so it's a low priority.

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