Friday, October 14, 2005

Hey, Al, the guys at Katrina want a free copy of your book---not.

Camp Katrina gave me a heads up on this "translation" of AlZaq's letter from Afghanistan...

The bad news is that they plan to take over the world...

The Good news is that they are so unorganized that they lost Doctor Z's only manuscript...and he was so busy dodging daisycutters that he lost his backup discs...

You can read the entire thing, but the best "translation" into plain English is found HERE:

-Dear brother, God Almighty knows how much I miss meeting with you, how much I long to join you in your historic battle against the greatest of criminals and apostates in the heart of the Islamic world, the field where epic and major battles in the history of Islam were fought. I think that if I could find a way to you, I would not delay a day, God willing.
[I know if I left the cave, the Americans and Pakistanis would light me up like an infidel Christmas tree.)

I want to keep corresponding with you about the details of what is going on in dear Iraq, especially since we do not know the full truth as you know it.
[It’s hard to get good television reception this far underground, so no Olbermann for us]
Therefore, I want you to explain to me your situation in a little detail, especially in regards to the political angle. I want you to express to me what is on your mind in regards to what is in my mind in the way of questions and inquiries.
[Beheadings? Car-bombing civilians? Beheadings? Dude, WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?]

Humor aside, every time I hear "this is Viet Nam" and "peace in our time", I don't think of the glorious Youth Uprising (ie of rich spoiled yuppie types) of the 60's (it's all about ME ME ME!), but of the boat people, of the Cambodians, of the "ethnic cleansing" of hundreds of thousands of Chinese from Saigon, and of Bishop Van Thuac spending twenty years in prison for believing in God, etc....

Similarly,the megalomania of Islamofascism reminds one of a certain Austrian painter...

But, as the late Alistaire Cooke pointed out, the same voices that poo poohed Mr. Churchill in the 1930's are the ones who ignore this dirty little fact...
Addendum: The letter might have been a fake...see POWERLINE

"This does not read like an Islamist text," a terrorism analyst at the conservative-leaning Hudson Institute, Chris Brown, said in an interview yesterday. "It only uses the word 'infidel' twice and makes five references to 'crusaders.'