Sunday, April 30, 2006


Since I was a Captain in the National Guard, I don't really qualify as a chickenhawk, but I have added their blogroll on the side along with Homespun bloggers.

Despite the rhetoric (which is merely babyboomers trying to relive their glory days) there is a very real danger of terrorists spreading dangerous technology to other home grown terror groups...and many of these "terror groups" and the infrastructure that support this type of thinking are funded by certain countries.

I cringe when I hear "Sadam Hussein didn't support terrorism", he only funded suicide bombers killing Israelis, and gave free medical care and safe houses to AlQada, etc...not to mention causing trouble here in the Philippines...

And you don't even need a "direct" connection. For example, the 50 year old civil war in Colombia was "about" land reform...but you see connections with Marxist groups but also IRA and now Arab terrorists are down there...

And at a time when many Moros want peace, you have abusayyaf trying to make things worse...
Iraq, for better or worse, sends a "headsup" to murderous dictators.....when newspapers spout all the bad new about Iraq, they don't bother to put such things into perspective...

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