Sunday, June 25, 2006

Watch what you wish for, for you may get it

I predict the next blogstorm and populist sentiment that will be ignored is articulated HERE...and HERE...and HERE....and here...

and the tipping point was that two American soldiers were tortured to death...

But there will be no outrage, no expressions of sorrow more than perfunctory messages of official regret. From London to Paris to Berlin to Madrid, knowing sneers will return to all-knowing faces: we are getting what is coming to us. For liberating 50 million from a nightmare regime, for building schools that teach female children, for pouring billions in reconstruction money that dwarfs the Marshall Plan, for believing that even a Muslim people brutalized for decades by the degradations of a totalitarian state deserve a chance to breath free. We are getting what we deserve. Only when we learn to roll over and play dead like a good Spaniard will we ever know wisdom.Another day, another dead American. We are expected to die. The world has long since past expected that Americans be treated with honor and respect or according to the basic rules of war.

the MSM in the US, Europe, and the state run press in the Arab world spews anti Americanism daily--and guess what? The Polls mirror this...(well, DUH!) (interesting aside: but not in India...hmmm).

You see, to the politically correct, the soldiers tortured to death was merely a tragedy, not an atrocity, and especially not a deliberate act of murder by those who need to be opposed.
Yes, CCN INT let Gen McInherney discuss how terrorism is a routine tactic of those who w oppose...but that story will be told once...while the same airways will repeat the same lurid details about one or another of the rare crimes by fogue US soldiers who are already being punished....while daily carbomb statistics will be given in a way that implies it is Bush's fault, not the fault of those who did the deed...the implication that things were safer in Iraq when mass graves were quietly being filled out of sight of CNN's cameras.
John Winger: We're all very different people. We're not Watusi, we're not Spartans, we're Americans. With a capital "A", huh? And you know what that means? Do you? That means that our forefathers were kicked out of every decent country in the world. We are the wretched refuse. We're the underdog. We're mutts.---Stripes

I suspect much of this anti American resentment is because the crass (read lower class) Americans of their imagination are uppity......we won't bow to their supposed superiority.

As Bill Quick warns:I believe that, at core, America is a Jacksonian nation. And when America finally realizes with what loathing we are regarded by the rest of the world, the result will not be what the rest of the world thinks will occur. There will be no sudden American need to apologize and submit ourselves to the world's judgment. We are a nation founded on telling the rest of the world to go to hell....

Yet the despised Redstate Americans-- all those "Christianists" whose beliefs so disliked by Andrew Sullivan and the LA Times--who have more in common with the values of peaceful Muslims and devout Hindus who love God and want economic improvement without the degradation of western culture.

What is more important is that we send the message to the poor in these countries that there is a country where those not born to privlege can be prosperous...a threatening message to the traditional oligarchies of Europe and the Middle East--and in the Philippines.

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