Thursday, July 20, 2006

Just leave the maids behind

Many of the Filipinos left behind are maid stranded when their richer employers fled.
Right now many of them have been given refuge in Catholic churches, and the Philippine gov't will fly them to other Middle East countries from Syria...but since the Philippines has no ships, getting them out is a problem. The American government says they will help and take them out in ships with Americans. LINK

200 left already
and maybe another 1000 will leave, but most figure the war will be over soon and won't leave...there are an estimated 30 000 Philippine citizens in Lebanon (scroll down to previous post for statistics).

is sending warships to help evacuate their people...estimated 12,000 Indians are in Lebanon.

Mr Ghimire is one of the forgotten foreigners of this crisis - stranded in Lebanon without a car, boat or plane ride out of the country. Lebanon has a cheap supply of labour from Asian countries such as the Philippines, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. They number in the tens of thousands and are often exploited..


You know, CNNI and BBC show interviews of local families fleeing, and the refugees start with "why don't the Israelis stop killing innocent people" and proclaiming they are innocent of any wrongdoing, but by the end of the interview, they admit they are Hizbolah. One lady even said that not only did she support Hizbollah but she planned to teach her children to hate Israel...

On the other hand, I haven't seen one person in Israel saying they hate all Arabs/Lebanese or Syrians...

And in the meanwhile, "under the fold" are the other stories:

death toll now 500...

And the local Catholic bishops are being accused of taking bribes for supporting GMA and of opposing her, including hiding and assisting in a coup trying to overthrow her...

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