Sunday, September 17, 2006

You can't say that part three

Blogfather has links on the Pope's discussion...including links on how the press distorted what was actually theAnchoress points out:

some in the press - not all, but some - could not resist the urge to provoke precisely these violent and angry reactions and these predictable, camera-ready burnings in effigy from a people the press knows they can rouse to fury in less than three notes.

I mean, when isn’t the “Muslim world” furious, enraged, raising its sword and setting fire to flags or images? When isn’t some Muslim cleric demanding a retraction of what he perceives to he “harsh” words? When a few cartoons can be turned into worldwide protests, resulting in death to too many and literally cowing the media into relative silence, does the press not understand that a snarky headline or a careless phrase can cost lives?

A secondhandconjectureBlog notes the press also distorted the demonstrations...
So out of a religion numbering its adherents in the vicinity of 1.2 billion, only about 200 at most showed up to protest?
And he goes on to note that the speech was aboutfaith and reason (i.e. the moral absolutes of Greek Philosophy and a criticism of a secular humanism that ignores reason and faith in favor of moral relativism and the latest intellectual fads...-------
Furthur analysis of the history of forced conversions to Islam HERE

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