Saturday, October 21, 2006

Good news in the news

Every battle with street thugs in Iraq is reported breathlessly on CNN... but some news stories are too hoo hum ZZZZ to be reported.

Gateway Pundit notes a million Iraqi Pilgrims prayed in peace...and that in September that 4 million made the pilgrimage without incident. And some pilgrims are from Iran...

Bollywood dancing... the latest teen Helsinki must be those 22 hour nights getting to them...

You probably heard about the uproar in the UK about doctors and teachers wearing full face veil interferes with patient communications...well, in Asia, wearing a mask is common in flu the Saudi women will be right in style....>

Yes, we have No wild varieties go extinct, the overcultivation of one genotype; and this lack of diversity makes crops prone to decimation by viruses or fungi...

And the hero of the day award goes to (TA-Dah):

the KnickerVicar

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