Saturday, November 04, 2006

Punk Jihad

A young Frenchwoman of Sengalese descent was badly burned by thugs in a Paris suburb.......

But who sees the thousands of injured policemen or bother to place this crime into the context of the Punk Jihad that is facing Europe...

And 2 years ago Theo Van Gogh was killed..the Dutch reacted to THAT crime by deporting Hirsi Ali...again, silence about the death in their coming election, even though the election was precipitated by Ali's illegal deportation.

The NYTimes finds papers showing in great detail Saddam's "non existant WMD programs ", and the story being spun to bash Bush..for releasing information that endangered national a paper that released information that actually did endager national security.

THIS LINK is old, but gives the background for the Formula from Hell. Not pretty reading.

Ah, but things would have been much nicer under Clinton or Kerry or a Democrat. Just like the peacerful 1990's.

But VDHanson remembers the 1990, and reminds us of the genocides of the 1990's that were ignored...and that half of those bashing Bush are doing so to support their own pet theories (and book contracts) often said something different a couple years ago.

..Ah, but let's forget what we knew, and rewrite's election week...

let's blame Bush and everything will go back to normal, won't it mommy?


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