Friday, February 09, 2007

Stuff below the fold

I have two posts on BNN: One about Leishmaniasis in the Jakarta floods and one about the death of a Filipina woman after being kidnapped in Nigeria.

Then there was a green group who attacked some Japanese whaling ships...and got lost at sea and the Japanese had to rescue them. DUH.. I had actually written a post on that, but the computer crashed. Oh well.

Winds of Change has technical details on why most IED's don't go off...alas if the jamming is too strong it messes up air traffic communications.

And for neat photos, check out THESE of sandstorms in Iraq....looks like something out of THE MUMMY or HIDALGO..

Dustbury links to this library that has free audiobook downloads...

And finally, did you ever wonder if you dug straight thru the earth, where you'd come out? well, wonder no longer LINK...hmm...I'd end up near my son's house in the Andes.

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