Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Jaunty Jackalope

Every computer system has their own "cute" names.
The idea probably started with Steve Jobs, and his "Apple" computer, which sounded more consumer friendly than the TRS-80 or the Commadore 2000.

For Ubuntu, they use animal names for their upgrades.

Right now, I have Hardy Heron...

and Coming soon, Intrepid Ibex...right now in the testing stage, and to be released October 30th.

Now UbuntuGeek says they are starting to work on the next version, which so far has been named Jaunty Jackalope. LINK2

For those of you who never have lived in the Western US, Wikipedia has an article here about the mythical beast...
and check HERE for more information on the warrior bunny of myth and legend...
He traces the legend back to medieval Europe and Persia, and even furthur...
The probably origin of the legend? "horny warts" from the Shope papillomavirus...

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