Friday, March 06, 2009

Religion stuff below the fold

Tea at Trianon has a post on the St. Malachy prophacies...
including discussing the Jesuit librarian/choreographer who debunked them.


Yes, Virginia, Evil does exist...
Ah, says GetReligionBlog, but what does religion have to do with it?
Immaculee's talk on her survival in Rwanda asks the same question...but her survival is because someone risked his life to save LINK

The Catholic response to such evil this is not just activism but prayer and examination of one's own life...
Rosary Army has some traditional Catholic prayers HERE.

Their new every cheerful radio show is on Sirius and their podcasts moved HERE...

Women who care for relatives with Alzheimer's disease find solace in religion and families...
And those who attend more services use less government help, presumably because the church neighbors help.

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