Monday, July 12, 2010

Stuff below the fold

Atlas Obscura explains why Pope Pius VI's heart is buried in France: the locals sympathized with him:

The French Revolution caused great turmoil with the Catholic Church in France... In 1791, Pope Pius VI rejected the Constitution civile du clergé, that put control of the Catholic Church in France under the new Republic, rather than the Vatican....

In retaliation, France annexed the papal territories of Avignon and Venaissin, followed by Napoleon’s attack on the Papal States. In 1798, the French took control of Rome and declared it the Roman Republic. When Pius refused to submit to the conquerors, he was taken prisoner and forcibly removed to France.

and you thought the elites were hard on Benedict...on the other hand, past is prologue...
I've been busy being sarcastic about the Berwick appointment over at BNN>
other bnn screeds are as follows:
Artificial Marijuana...

the problem is not the drug but the idea it's okay to use a drug to get high...which leads to refusing to work hard, to take responsibility for one's actions, or do care for those around you.

Lotus land, anyone?
usually in the US, lotusLand is california, but this is the modern take:

In the book and movie Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief, the Lotophagi have taken residence in a casino-hotel in Las Vegas, luring the young to dwell there for eternity by forcing them to eat lotus pastries and promises of giving into almost every modern hedonist inkling. Time spent in the casino-hotel passes rapidly for those trapped within.

Heh Los Vegas gets a lot of Bad press...

and guess what? The Stand is on Youtube


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