Saturday, April 16, 2011

It's Spring and if you live in Oklahoma, you know what that means

it's time to sit outside and watch for funnels.

photo credit

yes, I know: You are supposed to head to the basement when there's a tornado warning, but the bad news is that if you live in rural areas, the warnings usually arrive after it hits...heck, sometimes the siren doesn't go off until it's passed, or the thunder/rain/hail is too loud to hear it.. So if you don't have a basement, you go outside to keep an eye on the weather, while you get the kids and elderly down into the shelter.
We used to hide in a neighbor's shelter across the street, that was large enough for one family but usually contained three families: five kids, three dogs, a cat, and three women inside, while I stood outside with the two guys to keep watch.

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