Thursday, May 19, 2011

Science Stuff below the fold

We had some pigs with Ebola Reston a couple years ago, but that disease isn't fatal to humans.

The bad news: pigs can carry and transmit Ebola Zaire, the BAD doesn't kill them, and the illness looks like other disease such as flu...

The real problem behind this observation is that, alas, farmers here will sell and butcher sick pigs...

Chose your poison...MJ reports on carcinogens in flame retardant foam...

Big Brother is watching you: Some folks in Glendale don't like the "smart grid" idea.

and then there is worry about those "radio waves" from the snoopmeters.

lichens vs mad elk disease?

the real question is if this prion disease can be transmitted to far, no proof...

can you predict your life span from the length of your telomeres?

a new way to "fight HIV": The viagra condom....
the bad news? the medicine used in it may give you a terrible headache.

Nepal as Shangri La...pristine country unmarred by modernism...

or as a source of poor women who emigrate to find jobs and with poor children who have to work?
and don't even notice this or this...


but some good news:

They are auctioning off "The Hat"

And profits will go to UNICEF.

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