Friday, March 22, 2013

Stuff below the fold

 Habemus Papem:

 Via Father Z:
from the Shower of Roses blog

related item: The Peepal conclave
Factoid of the day:

In case you were wondering how FIGWIT got his name, and what is his real name: one of the comments on this Michael Martinez article on Glorfindel notes:
March 20, 2013 at 9:59 pm
Regarding Lindir…in the original LotR films, the character was actually not intended to be Lindir (or at least it wasn’t billed as Lindir, at least not initially), until the internet fans came around and started calling him FIGWIT (Frodo Is Great Who Is That?). It became something of a joke amongst fans, and so Peter Jackson brought the character back in The Hobbit as a nod and a wink to the fans. I don’t think he ever intended for the character to get that much attention.

Historical writer MariaElena has a couple of interesting links on her blog today:

Why did the Dutchess of Luxemburg wear white while visiting the Pope, when women usually are told to wear black? it's called thePrivilège du blanc

She also has links to articles about the smear campaign against Anne Bolyne (link), and the Argentinian president's smear campaign against the new Pope (link) for daring to oppose her policies.A longer discussion of this can be found on AndrewCusack.

I was listening to C2Cam and they were mentioning the Trinity church sycamore tree:

and yes, it is true: check this:

 The sycamore in question is known as “the tree that saved St. Paul’s Chapel,” because it took the brunt of damage from debris falling from the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, and the chapel remained relatively unscathed.

Yes, this is the church from National Treasure and the sycamore discussed in the harbinger.

on the other hand, National treasure named the only founding father who could not have been a Mason for it's masonic conspiracy, and the American sycamore is unrelated to the sycamore of the Middle east, so I guess I can rest easy.

Pope Francis and mate, the drink of friendship.

and yes, there is an "our lady of the good mate"

and no, I've never drank it (I have only visited Central America and Colombia/Ecuador). An article on yerba mate here.

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