Monday, June 12, 2017

Family news

I amover my chest cold. The medicine to control my asthma makes me fuzzy minded, so I have gotten behind in my blogging and even my reading the headlines etc. Oh well. Things continue to be crazy.

Joy and Ruby are at an "evangelical outreach" from their church overnight somewhere. They are all self congratulatory christians who want to convert we lazy Catholics to their cultlike "in" group. Sorry for being snotty, because of course they are good people.

But Ruby's in the "worship group" that sings and dances, and spends a lot of time with this.

Silly me, but when I was her age, I was a hospital volunteer working at an inner city hospital. WWJD?

so I am alone here downstairs at night, with only George the killer Labrador to keep me safe...

In the meanwhile the puppies are eating so will be taken home soon by new owners. I keep objecting to this, since they still need mama's milk, but here they take them as soon as they are weaned, and anyway, mama Spot doesn't feed them often.

so anyway, one of these days I will get back to ranting about politics instead of family...

in the meanwhile I am busy watching some of the old films I brought with me to the Philippines...I just rewatched Oliver Stone's movie JFK...
All this stuff about the "Deep state" Vs Trump reminds me of the Donald Sutherland speech in that film...

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