Friday, April 28, 2006

Oh by the way

The headlines haven't changed, so here are a bunch of trivia that aren't in the headlines.

Did you know 200 000 Israelis visited the Sinai Bedouin last Passover? Michael Totten's reports on Kurdistan and the Middle East had lots of eye opening stuff not on CNNI...

Interested in the HolyGrail? Some scholars have a blog/website...

The next step in Euthanasia: Hospitals removing life support because it is "futile" ...even though the patient is not in a coma and the family want to continue it...because some committee decides preserving your life is not, it's not NYC, it's Texas.
Update: Family is moving her to their own expense...

Here in the Philippines, it's the hot and dry season.
We got back from the farm this afternoon because it is the time for fiestas...ours will be Saturday and Sunday although the religious parade was Wednesday...
However, May 1st is Labour Day, so they are expecting demonstrations in Manila...and there's alot of news about bombs being found in a safe house, and also that a granade was thrown at a business.
However, the way people drive here, dying in an accident is probably more dangerous than living here...

And in fiesta time, the food is great...LINK....LINK2...or LechonBaboy!
wash down with THIS...

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