Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Big Brother is watching you

While the NYTime is worried about the government snooping in on wire transfers (Hmmm...that includes us, AlQuada, and a lot of Colombian drug dealers), the forces of political correctness are pushing rules down on peons to keep us safe and warm at night...

Bad News: The NRA has it's knickers in Knots about the UN confiscating personal guns...well, here in the Philippines, Marcos confiscated all personal everyone hid their guns.

Good News: Marshmallow fluff will stay legal.

Bad news: Spain may decide apes have human rights, but preborn infants don't. This may allow them to interfere with African countries to protect the apes, ignore the democide in Darfur...figures. It's Bush's fault because he asked for NATO to take over the policing, and didn't say pretty please with sugar on it...

Good News: Bureaucrats in the European Union will not outlaw Pipe organs in seems that some of the pipes contain lead...

Bad news: UK will make a database of all children, making sure that they are fed their veggies...and Belgium tries to shut down a homeschool...because they won't sign a paper saying that they will teach according to the UN Convention on Children's Rights...

And finally, we are being told that the climate is the warmest it has been in 2000 years....
LINK discusses that it was actually warm 2000 years ago...
The discovery, (of an ancient seal) scientists say, is the first hard evidence for a warming period in the region between 2,300 and 1,100 years ago.
An earlier warming period, between 6,000 and 4,000 years ago, has been recognized by other researchers and is believed to have been widespread, at least throughout the Southern Hemisphere.'s Bush's fault.

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