Sunday, November 12, 2006

Headlines below the fold

Another day, another typhoon.
We just got thunderstorms with winds and rain. But it is harvest time, and rain means not being able to cut rice, and of course the rice already cut can't be dried before selling.

Local news: Leftist leader killed...but so are two government officials, and two people at a wake of a reporter. Luckily no one can blame it on Bush, so CNN is ignoring the news.

Church of England report agrees it's okay to kill newborns, showing the increasing moral collapse of a once great church.

War on Terror, blamed on Bush...but Eleven of our Muslim allies are backing the Islamicists in Somalia...which was abandoned under Clinton's watch...

After two years of attacks by Saddam's henchman allied with Sunni Alqaeda and backed by Saudi money, the Shia are fighting back, with help of Iran...the bad news is that killers are increasingly "independent" thugs, but since they are scaring the pants off the Sunni community, it looks like revenge is the rule of the day.

Iran also is offering their long range missiles to Israels' enemies...but they figure the election means no real US threat...

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