Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Headlines of the day...zzzzz

Don't ask me about the oscars...the only movie I saw was The Queen...zzzz.

Genocide? I don't see no stinkin genocide...so what else is new? zzzz

WSJ points out that Bush's "fascism" is limp next to what France routinely allows under Napoleonic law....Nah, don't tell the DailyKos....zzzzz.

Seven Sunni Muslim countries are worried about Iran's Shiite bomb. Iran's economy is tanking, and Iranian generals were caught in Iraq...and the NYTimes finally notices Iran's link with AlSadr....Clash of civilization anyone? Four years into the war, this should have been noticed five years ago...wonder if Congress still can't tell a Sunni from a Shiite...zzzz

Pope discusses natural law vs social engineering that follows the latest utopian fads. LINK. Ah, but his warning will be ignored in favor the bruhaha of Jesus' tomb.. hmm. didn't Monty python already do that story?.....zzzz

The LATimes notices the danger of drug resistant TB and HIV: They are too polite to point out the "good news" is that the patients die quickly, which decreases their ability to spread the disease...(they live an average of 25 days) ....

I am always amazed when intellectuals steal old ideas to show how smart they are...today's HNN blog has this guy spouting Paul Ehrlich's "we're all gonna die" nonsense. and This lady rips off Betty Friedan's "The Second Stage" . Until someone comes up with an idea less than 30 years old, I'm going back to sleep.

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