Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Schoenborn on Evolution

CSPAN book TV has Schoenborn's lecture on the compatibility of faith and science.

A lot of the evolution wars confuse science, a method of finding the truth, with scientism, the philosophy that assumes that only science can explain everything. If scientism is true, then poetry, symbolism, love, the arts, etc are false, and the real danger is that since science does not tell one the reason for life and death, scientism quickly degenerates into Social Darwinism and utility and eugenics as "scientific" guides to how one should live.

David Warren discusses the same topic HERE, and worries about it's implications in politics:

that “science and science alone” (note the singular) explains everything that can or should be known. That is to say, the worldview in which “science” is openly substituted for religion, and the sciences (plural) are thereby opened to corruption, to regulation and censorship, to serving the agendas of various smelly little orthodoxies. And I get my evidence in email every day, from correspondents both Left and Right in politics and cranial disposition, on subjects ranging from evolution to world climate: drooling subservience to anyone who has donned the priestly mantle of “science.”

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