Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Headlines below the fold

Sigh. It looks like that Filipine ferry turned over before passengers could get out...My report on BNN...

and yes, the US Navy is there to help the Philippine Navy and Coast Guard,: the USNS Stockham arrived today with much needed search and rescue helicopters...a
Patrol planes are also being sent down, and should arrive in Clark today on the way to the Visayas.

McCain's ex jailer supports his bid...

On the other hand, Obama is busy trying to "remake" himself ....uh, fellahs, isn't that supposed to be what the primaries were about? Hillary's people are still mad (yes we are) but the press continues to be google eyed about their messiah... the AP moans "ain't it awful"...and hints we need "change"...hint hint ...


Five left feet. In sneakers....more HERE.
now they think the bodies were upstream and washed down with the spring floods...but the DNA doesn't fit the lumberjacks whose plane was lost there, so the questions remain...

Tsvangirai drops out of Zim re-vote...and seeks asylum at Dutch Embassy... he knows that not only will Mugabe make sure that he wins the vote, but Mugabe will retaliate on entire villages and towns that dare to vote wrong...

Just look at all those leftists demonstrating with the Zim diaspora...hello? Hello? Senator Obama, call your office...

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