Thursday, September 04, 2008

Headlines below the fold

This time, NOLA hospitals sent their sick out.
The reform mayor (DEM) now has a reform governor(REP) to help him care for his city...

It's not the party, it's the entrenched elite versus the people.

The Borking of Palin isn't all from feminists...some of the worst NYTimes rumors came from the corrupt Repuclicans that she fought...
Newsweek liked her before they decided to hate her (via Drudge)

It's not the party, it's the entrenched elite versus the people.

MSNBC lables Palin a "breeder"...
this term is the equivalent of using the N word...and yet no one notices it...

I put up with a lot of this type of prejudice when I went to medical school in the days before feminism. So I'm mad, but never mind.

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