Saturday, September 06, 2008

Science headlines below the fold

First they came for the scientists who use animals to cure people.

Now they are going after physicists trying to destroy the earth...not. LINK

Despite the spin, the percentage of kids now vaccinated is at a record high (77%).
Must be Bush's fault...

It's global warming melting the ice caps, not the volcanoes under the ice which only dribbles out....LINK...
except of course when it doesn't...
Robert Reeves-Sohn of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Massachusetts and his colleagues discovered jagged, glassy fragments of rock scattered around the volcanoes, suggesting that explosive eruptions occurred between 1999 and 2001.

More HERE..
deep under water volcanos, another threat to worry about...if the floating black holes don't get us first...


Beware of maurading parrots
. Sounds like they don't like their birdhouses.

Like jokes?
It's not your have too many funny cells in your brain...LINK

When Homer, Marge et al appeared, the firing rate went to more than 15 times per second, compared with a couple of times per second for other clips, or blank periods. This firing lasted for several seconds and even beyond the actual time that the clip was on the screen.

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