Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Headlines below the fold

My heart goes out to the Aussies who lost their homes and loved ones in the brushfires. (I lived in New Mexico the year that state had terrible fires, although our home was spared).

Blogger Tim Blair has updates.
The blame is going to the obvious ( such as not clearing out the highly flammable under brush because the greenies don't like it), to the criminal (criminals started the fires) to the "climate change" meme...and then there is the paranoid types: could it be terrorism theory.

actually, when New Mexico burnt, we were even forbidden to smoke out of doors, that's how easy it was to start a fire....and the fire that burnt down Los Alamos was started by foresters trying to burn off the underbrush to lower the larger fire danger...

How much is 15.6 billion dollars?

So, far starters, Dilnot suggests dividing any broad-based program by 300 million to understand the individual impact. Dividing again by 52 would be the impact of any widespread program per person per week for a year.

And $15.6 billion? It represents $1 per week for each American for a year.

RickMoran has a list of all the pork in the project HERE.


Zimbabwe has finally suspended taxing imported food...

Talk about economic cluelessness: who puts import duty on donated food when the people are starving?

Answer: Politicians who are getting rich from stealing government money...

There are rumors that the huge "Stimulus package" will contain money for Filipino World War II veterans like Lolo.
Lolo only gets a small Filipino pension as a veteran (along with his state pensions and SS from the US), so getting more money makes me happy, but what exactly it has to do with saving the American economy I haven't the slightest idea...

Speaking of the Philippines in World War II: Lileks has a nostalgia series on Philippine money during the war...this old newspaper clip puts it into perspective:

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