Monday, May 18, 2009

Mourning one's lost children

TokyoTimesblog has a photo and article on the Jizo statues seen in Japan...
the statues commemorate children who die before their parents.

wikipedia writes:
izō statues are sometimes accompanied by a little pile of stones and pebbles, put there by people in the hope that it would shorten the time children have to suffer in the underworld (the act is derived from the tradition of building stupas as an act of merit-making). The statues can sometimes be seen wearing tiny children's clothing or bibs, or with toys, put there by grieving parents to help their lost ones and hoping that Jizō would specially protect them. Sometimes the offerings are put there by parents to thank Jizō for saving their children from a serious illness. Jizō's features are also commonly made more babylike in order to resemble the children he protects.

,,more HERE and HERE

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