Saturday, February 06, 2010

Stuff around the net

Pet of the day: A DINO-PECKER.


Sister MaryMartha discusses the patron saints of various pets and mentions that Blessed Kateri is the patron saint of turtles.
No, she didn't keep them as pets, she was a member of the Turtle clan...
The Kateri Shrine at the "Osage Cathedral" is HERE.

The Freepers link to a study that insists that a flushing reaction to alcohol
that is commonly seen in Asia is due to eating rice.
But since we saw that reaction in Native Americans, who left Asia before rice was planted, I am not so sure I agree.

Abufares happily reports it's snowing in Syria at link.

WTF headline of the day:

Vampire Squid Turns "Inside Out"
again, video at link

GlobalGal has photos of Qufu, the hometown of Confucius...
headsup EyeOnAsia

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