Thursday, April 29, 2010

Stuff below the fold

Teddy Kennedy's ghost will have to stop locals from benefitting from clean energy:
But does anyone remember Jaws2?

Supreme court okays 70 year old monuments with crosses on them...

Someone should tell the ideologues that a cross stands for sacrificing one's life so others could have freedom...ever hear of Spartacus?

Robin of Berkeley
learned the power of suffering to lead to wisdom when she became a Buddhist...and has this poem:

So you must not be frightened
if a sadness rises up before you
larger than any you have ever seen;
if an anxiety, like light and cloud-shadows,
passes over your hands and over all you do.
You must remember that something is happening to you,
that life has not forgotten you
that it holds you in its hands,
and will not let you fall.
- Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet

Yes, pre vatican II catholics knew this too, but the PC prefer to smoulder in anger to the "unfairness" of life's blows.


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