Friday, January 14, 2011

Stuff below the fold

I'll probably be misquoted and called a racist for this, but the dirty little secret is that gun violence is not uniform in all populations.

Hell Freezes over: Alan Dershowitz defends Palin in the ultraliberal anti American UK Guardian.

Clueless in USNEWS: no, don't worry about gas prices going up because most Americans have fuel efficient cars and drive less.

Uh, it's not the cars that will be the problem. It is that increasing the price of oil will raise food prices, especially in the Third world where folks are already starting to go hungry.

The Anchoress has a report about officials in Haiti not getting food to those who need it.

Yes. A similar problem in Pakistan after the earthquake is why a lot of folks displaced by the recent flood are still in dire straights.

As for the Philippines: we limit our corruption. When the hurricane caused a rice shortage, the rice did get to poor people, but too much was ordered and it was overpriced, so that the "middle men" could get their share of the profit.

more Bisphenol A studies on hormones.

Wouldn't it be interesting if the obesity and infertility epidemics were from plastic bottles?

and here's good news: Birdflu free Frankenchickens.

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