Monday, November 14, 2016

Politically correct Pumpkins

Improbable research discusses a published peer review article discussing what no one dares to discuss: The perilous whiteness of Pumpkins.

“This article examines the symbolic whiteness associated with pumpkins in the contemporary United States. Starbucks’ pumpkin spice latte, a widely circulated essay in McSweeney’s on “Decorative Gourd Season,” pumpkins in aspirational lifestyle magazines, and the reality television show Punkin Chunkin provide entry points into whiteness–pumpkin connections. Such analysis illuminates how class, gender, place, and especially race are employed in popular media and marketing of food and flavor… When considered vis-à-vis violence and activism that incorporated pumpkins, these analyses point toward the perils of equating pumpkins and whiteness.”

hmm... in Africa we ate green pumpkins but never mind

 all about Pumpkins webpage has a list of all sorts of pumpkin varients.... and has lots of yummie recipes.

Pumpkins are a varient of squash and gourds.

Dessert Comes First Blog discusses pumpkins here in the Philippines (we mainly use Kalabasa)

YUM! Pinakbet.

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