Monday, February 19, 2024

Tell the Pope to stop watching Netflix

I was always puzzled about Pope Francis who seemed to live in a world that had nothing to do with where I live and work. Always bashing people for greed and having too much "stuff", yet winking at promiscuity. 

 I finally figured it out: He watches Netflix and thinks that mirrors the world. 

 My granddaughter, who recently came back to the Philippines after studying at an elite college (on scholarship) has a Netflix subscription, and although our family TV watching sometimes included a Netflix movie, I often didn't bother with the ones aimed at the young. Whereas Hallmark stresses the 30 something single career girl goes to a small town and finds love and marriage, the Netflix ones seem to be about having affluent jobs and one night stands. 

 My granddaughter insists that these romances indeed echo the way her generation approaches dating, especially after the pandemic shutdowns. 

But I wonder: because her Minnesota college was PC but had lots of upper middle class kids, but when I worked in Minnesota, it was on the "res", and we faced a lot of problems: Yet unlike the Netflix dramas, families were still there, and grandmom often was the one who took them in when problem happened. 


Of course I moved here to the Philippines twenty years ago and we live in a small rural town. Until about eight years ago we were Filipino, but now we have malls and McDonalds and the society is changing to become more Americanized as the local economy improves. This is, of course, both good and bad, and would take a book to point out the subtle social changes in this time of transition to globalization.

The bad news is that the elite in Manila seem to be importing all the bad social practices of the American elites: now that my granddaughter teaches at an elite school in Manila, she sees the same problems there (albeit probably not as much promiscuity). Narcissism. Ambition. Materialism.

Sigh. So in this elite world, it makes sense that Pope Francis preaches to these narcissists and insists that they recognize that there are poor people and they should get off their puits and help the poor.

He is searching for the lost affluent narrisistic sheep, but he is also ignoring the wolves that are attacking the rest of the flock. 

And those attacking the flock include a lot of those around him, who are pushing the gay agenda and the promiscuity/gender agenda on children: you know: Political correctness... 

And while the Pope condemns this as cultural imperialism, he supports the anti family policies being pushed on poor countries by the USA and European Union and UN elites on poorer countries under the threat of losing much needed foreign aid.

Yes, Pope Francis has called this cultural imperialism,  yet at the same time he pushes gay marriage blessings and blessing of non married couples as if temporary liasons were the same as marriage, and seems clueless as to why Africans, who were sexually exploited by their Arab and European masters, oppose these laws.

The Africans see this as westerners trying to destroy the family, which in poor countries is the main institution that supports the poor, sick, elderly and children. So it is the African bishops who are asking the church to start emphasizing the holiness of the family, instead of letting his minions try to change the commandments against sex outside of marriage

and third world bishops know the problem is not just capitalism but corruption: so why isn't the Pope making a big thing about the sins of corruption. Nor is there a lot of talk out there about  murder (abortion/euthanasia) that is being normalized by the elites who run the world; 

Instead, the Pope even openly supports the elite agenda of ecology (that will result in starvation), sustainability (read population control) etc.


what is missing: Talking to people who follow the rules. 

Yes, I know; Jesus came to the lost sheep. But he led the rest of the flock to cool waters and kept the flock safe from wolves: something that Pope Francis is not doing (indeed, some wonder if he is actually hiring wolves to destroy the faith of the flock. I mean: he knows in South America, in places where his Jesuits pushed liberation theology, the result was that a lot of good Catholics became good Protestants).

How bad is it?

Well, that well known agnostic Jordan Peterson just told him off:


EWTN and the papal posse are condemned for telling the truth: 

watch the first ten minutes of this news report where there is a good discussion that summarizes the problems facing the church and how the Pope is not doing this.

sigh. try this link

update:youtube made it private? 

EWTN has it here check 2 16 the World Over

this is typical of the Pope: He ignores 2000 years of church tradition, the Bible (that dang Paul), and then sends his minions out to push something that is important only to the elite dissadents in the church.

But hey, don't push things that might make the family stronger, or embrace the blessing of femininity, or the idea of yin and Yang, or the theology of women as written by JP2 or Edith Stein: just push the elite idea that women are the same as men.

so it's Lent, and time to pray that the Pope starts being a pastor of the average Catholic by teaching normal people including the middle class and poor, how to live by the rules that church and state have until today's modern world had long recognized as leading to both personal happiness and a stable society.

1 comment:

Bold Radish said...

"Tell the Pope to stop watching Netflix" is the best title I'll find on the Internet today! This is a great post!