Tuesday, March 19, 2024

the world turns upside down

the Pope preaches global warming and preaches as if all Christians were affluent elites from European countries where no one goes to church, instead of preaching to the poor. Indeed, for him the poor are like pets, for him to care for, not humans whose lives might be made better with a factory job instead of handouts from a rich outsider.

And instead of pointing out the importance of motherhood for women and that women should use their feminine/maternal gifts in their work (for example, women doctors approach patients differently, in a motherly way: something well documented in the medical literature), he thinks making the activist feminists into female deacons is the answer: which of course is his stealth way to let women be priests .

This is not about equality of course: it is to impose a world view that women and men are interchangable and identical in their biology, and all that leads to. 

But of course we catholics know that letting uberfeminist often lesbian nuns to influence the church will lead to teachings that men and women are the same, not men and women are yin/yang and both needed in the world and that people are not isolated individuals doing their thing but part of a family, and that family, not job success, should be the basis of one's life.

Of course, Yin/yang is an Asian concept, but hey, don't go to Asia for wisdom, or ask Africans about the importance of the family: listen to openly gay rich European experts from countries where no one goes to church.

in the meanwhile, who dares to preach the gospel?

well, a quick look on youtube reminds one of Christ's saying that if you (i.e. the church authorities of his day) remain silent, then the stones will cry out.

so an agnostic Jordan Peterson leads the anti woke brigade who discusses the need to help people rebuild their life, and people like Jim Carey are preaching that God died for our sins.

heh. Who wudda thot?


update: The synodality people didn't go along with the Pope's agenda, so he is revising the meeting to make sure they approve of his heresies.

or as EcclesIsSaved blog explains:

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