Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Conspiracy theory: full court press on the CIA

 this is making waves on the internet since the miniseries is being released this week on Netflix. UKGuardian review here.

this is okay to publish, because it is about the Iran Contra scandal, and Reagan can be smeared,

But of course, the CIA has their fingers in the pot all over. The MENA cocaine connection with Clinton and the Southern Mafia won't come to light because Clinton is a Democrat, and was probably CIA when he was doing anti war rallies in London as a student.

CIA conspiracies will make your head spin: The problem: The CIA are after bad guys and will cut corners to win, because they think it will help the USA.

and the bad news: Destroying the CIA will mainly help the bad guys who are doing the same thing.

But if these bad guys (the rabid communists or rigid Islamicists ) win, the results will be a lot worse than if the US/West wins. 

Can you say genocide children? 

Here in the Philippines, Marcos is making nice with the USA because China keeps threatening us. 

Obama stopped the Philippines from stopping China  from moving into the West Philippine sea: because PNoy tried to be honest and cooperative with the USA and no one wanted a war, so he obeyed Obama and went to court, and won.... and China just ignored international law. 

When Duterte won, the CIA/US MSM had a fit, and we saw a full court press to vilify him. 

Ironically, his popularity among ordinary folk was high because the criminal and drug crimes went down, but hey don't expect the US MSM to notice fewer dead innocent people like my neighbors killed in home invasions by drug addicts, dying of overdoses, or kidnapped by gangs for ransom.

But I also have posted about the way Omidyar money (the same money helped to orchestrate the overthrow of the pro Russian Ukrainian president) set up Rappler (and later got the one who accepted that illegal money a Nobel Peace prize). 

The CIA was busy trying to destroy Duterte, who hated the CIA for releasing a drug dealer from a Davao prison. 

Instead of trying to help him get rid of drugs, they arranged to manipulate the press to demonize him in the usual way: Twisting his Pinoy humor as if he meant it, trumpeting innocent deaths in drug raids but ignoring the dead from drugs, ignoring that the Philippines was in danger of becoming a narco state when he took over.

all it did was to push Duterte to get help from China and Russia. China of course screwed him and didn't keep their promises and lied a lot about it. For example, in today's news China said that Duterte had okayed their presence in the West Philippine sea so if the Philippine objects they are wrong.

Of course, this is nonsense: A president can't do that without okay by the senate and courts, and China knows this, because that is what stopped them years ago: when they used the ZTE money to bribe GMA to let them do this, and the courts stopped them. Of course, after many court cases, GMA went free and the whistle blower went to jail for "corruption" but hey, the Philippines where anyone can be accused of corruption. 

So today, AnnAlthouse comments on an interview (Which I have not seen) of Tucker Carlson by Joe Rogan, where the CIA connection to the JFK murder was mentioned. And they question why some documents are not yet being released; and then Tucker related that he was warned about releasing secret information by a lawyer of Mike Pompeo.

here's the interview, for what it is worth


well, that might explain why President Biden denied secret service protection for RFK Jr.

and it might explain why suddenly there are a slew of court cases that popped up to accuse Trumpieboy of various stuff: All this stuff happened years ago and were deemed in the past as minor stuff or lacking merit or past the statute of limitations, but of course they changed the laws and reinterpreted the laws in novel ways to try to stop him.

Coincidence? I think not: And I suspect despite wall to wall demonization in the press, it won't work.

What really will destroy Biden is that the demonstrators who destroyed the cities are now becoming toxic and pretending Hamas and other Iranian terror groups are the good guys.

People might be sceptical about the Floyd murder riots but there is some sympathy because racism is a problem. But the wall to wall lies out of Gaza might not make people think riots proclaiming hatred of the USA and attacking Jewish students who have no ties with Israel is okay. 

I don't think so.

PJ O'Rourke was once asked why conservatives don't demonstrate, and he quipped: Because they have jobs.

So who are funding all these student protesters? The elite students have rich parents, but the foreign students are being supported by someone.

No one wants to call those supporting Hamas part of a cult, of course. Just like the transgender cult, or the anti Vietnam protests of the 1960s it is a way for rich kids to feel like they are the good guys, and of course, they will never have to clean up the messes caused by their self righteous piety.

But the huge Trumpieboy rallies suggest they are out there. When these are noticed, those attending are called cultists. 


Lots of corruption out there, and after the Twitter files were exposed for manipulating covid information, it looks like a lot more people are manipulating the news than the CIA....

Senator Church, call your office. They are at it again.

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