Thursday, April 25, 2024

Stealth killing of useless elders blamed on covid


original article here.

translation: If someone was thought to have covid, they were given a tranquilizer to lower their anxiety but sometimes no other treatment... Of course, this tranquilizer would depress their ability to breathe, meaning it would result in them dying.

in treating such patients, there is a fine line between relieving their anxiety and causing respiratory depression, so sometimes this happens. But was a deliberate overdose given with the object to kill?

Ethically you can give pain relief and anti anxiety relief to the dying even with this risk. '

I was once accused by one nurse of overdosing one such dying patient: but when I checked him, he was moaning in pain. So I gave a dose that relieved the pain but his breathing rate went down to 8/minute but did not stop. So I had to titrate him to keep his breathing rate over 8 but not so low that he was in pain....What finally helped was a pastor who prayed over him, and he calmed down and died peacefully a few hours later without having to push extra narcotics to relieve his suffering.

However, with covid, you are not giving narcotic pain relief but anti anxiety medicine.

And the medicine cited causes respiratory depression in higher doses: in people already low in oxygen from pneumonia this can be fatal. However, relieving the suffering from air hunger is important, and can save a life because anxiety increases your oxygen consumption.

and there are traquillizers that do not slow the breathing.

 and I have read some of these deaths were when doctors being phoned about a patient with covid and would just order  the tranquillizer but no other medicine (prednisone, antibiotics).

This will have to be looked into because in the UK, there was a protocol for people with severe pain from cancer, but it was found that this was ordered for people with non fatal diseases or when the cancer was not terminal.

UKGuardian article explains how this was misused. 

the dirty little secret is that once euthanasia becomes a treatment, then making someone dead is not seen as bad: and the elders, handicapped and critically ill are all at risk from medical staff that sees death as an optional treatment.

there is also a question if the ventillators were overused. But that is another question for another time.

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