Monday, February 04, 2008

Headlines below the fold

kids tired of FARC's hostagetaking, landmines, and terrorizing peasants are using Facebook to organize world wide protests.

(Adult) Stem Cells grow new Abdomen...
They grew the stem cells for two weeks and identified the ones that could grow into bone, muscle, or blood vessels. This subgroup of cells was attached to a scaffold. (A scaffold is an artificial structure made of biomaterials that formed the skeleton of the transplant.)

The scaffold was then inserted into the patient’s abdomen. It stayed there for nine months while new tissues and blood vessels developed around the structure, and then it was attached to the patient’s skull.


Cold weather problems in China, Japan, Iran, Afghanistan and the Middle East...

Then there are floods in Indonesia and Earthquakes in Rwanda...
David Warren remembers the Tet offensive...human rights atrocities ignored, and victory spun as defeat..
Austin Bay worries the press is writing the latest bombs and reports with the same blind bias.

And for those who think that rabid societies can't be made into Democracies: LINK...

Been there, done that...

And the latest PC Mandate: Potato Tent Spikes...

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