Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Headlines below the fold

Conspiracy theorists insist EvilBushyHitler is behind the latest internet cable outages in the Middle East and insist that Iran is completely off line...but no Arab, Iranian or Indian news sites report anything more than slowdowns. My Summary at BNN...

The Fighting UrukHai? While checking on the first story, I ran into this jihadi site named Uruknet...
Of course, Tolkien, being an expert on language, probably borrowed the word LINK.
Uruk was an ancient Sumerian city in S Iraq...
Biblical name, Erech.

The latest health hazard: Inhaling Pig brains....earlier linkHERE.
Ah, but is it autoimmune, or could it be a prion disease? LINK2

Between half a million and two million Colombians protest FARC in Bogata and 100 other cities all over the world, protest organized via facebook : Photo is from Cali.


and finally, via boingboing: Invention of the day: A car that uses Chocodiesel.

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