Friday, August 19, 2011

The "WAGD" post of the day

For years, scientists have scoffed at those who believe in UFO's.

But now,the UK Guardian reports that the scientists trying to take over the world using global warming as an excuse are telling us if we don't clean up the planet, the Space Aliens will destroy us.

I seem to remember this is old news (see photo)

although I do realize that space aliens trying to stop people from blowing up the earth is so last when Hollywood remade it they changed it to an environmental theme where the alien doesn't just warn earth, he simply destroys all of earth's technology as a warning (so that everyone nicely starves to death instead).

if you read the article, it seems that this NASA think tank has done all their research on possible scenerios from sci fi movies, from ET to District 9 to The Day the Earth Stood Still.

I prefer to think that if there are aliens that can cross huge areas of space, they might so more advanced that they won't need somthing as primitive as a space ship...they'd probablly resemble the Eldils of CSLewis than ET in a spaceship.

photo from a new book I'd love to read (hint hint)

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