Friday, August 19, 2011

Stories below the fold

Forget the Men In Black: the real mystery is Who are the men who run the financial ratings agencies?

AndrewBrown at the (left wing) UKGuardian writes:

The pope draws 1.5 million young people to Madrid – but that's not news?

The media focus on the anti-pope protests, but ignore World Youth Day, perhaps because its attendees aren't cool

The President deserves a vacation, but he has a tin ear on choosing where to go, says VDHanson.

... if President Obama has already purchased the new bus, why not use it Winnebago-style to see America with his family for a week, visiting a national park, a closed-down plant — or a real vineyard?

Instapundit disagrees, snidely remarking: That seems too Sarah-Palinish.

or maybe too Jimmy Carterish,
photo of ex president Jimmy Carter helping with homebuilding after Katrina

( - Photo by Chris Graythen/Getty Images News)

although I must add that
Sarah and family did spend her vacation helping Alabama in the tornado cleanup too.

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