Thursday, January 27, 2005


Flu hit today. The radio said the local public health department is reporting only sporadic cases, but we had three cases today....

How to diagnose flu? You walk in the room and see a young person with a heavy jacket on, or a blanket, usually lying flat on a very uncomfortable examination table and often with the mom/grandmom/cousin sitting in the chair (i.e. they needed someone to drive them to the doctor).

This is Oklahoma, so most cases have been sick a couple days--people here rarely run to the doctor early for fevers etc.--and so had secondary infections--ear, sinus, bronchitis. No pneumonia, although two were sick enough for me to do x rays.

I only had the flu once, and it made me a believer in flu shots. I have had walking pneumonia and bronchitis with status asthmaticus, but the week I took off with the flu is a blur, don't remember a thing except sleeping coughing and feeling sick.

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