The Mediterranean diet cuts cancer rates...
Red wine cuts cancer rates and heart attacks...
Olive oil cuts the rate of Breast cancer...
An apple a day cuts the rate of colon cancer...
And (my favorite) cabbage and Brussel sprouts cut the rate of Cervical cancer....
What is not discussed: Promiscuity causes HPV infections, the cause of Cervical cancer. Breast cancer is probably increased by hormones like Progesterone (AKA Depo Provera), and increases if you have few children and don't breast feed them, and are chubby...and of course, no one discusses the problem of hormones in the environment ...not to mention chemical pollution...
When I worked in Africa, we had no cancer of the large bowel...because of high fiber diet. We had lung cancer mainly in asbestos miners. We did have a lot of esophogeal cancer, however, and the most common cancer was liver cancer, which is felt to be due to carcinogens in mold contamination of grain and ground nuts due to traditional storage techniques...and for some reason, we saw a lot of sarcomas. We had some Cervical cancer, but I only saw one case of breast cancer in four my practice here we pick up about five a year...
Japanese don't get ASCVD...or high cholesterol. They do get cancer of the stomach and hypertension...
Yes, eat a healthy diet...if you can....even Hippocrates knew that. But forget the fads.....too often they are proven wrong...
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