Saturday, April 02, 2005

Yup. another stolen election

Mugabe stole another election...

and the Beeb? They not only report it with a straight face, but they put the complaints of voter fraud by opposition in quotes...I mean, just because dead people voted doesn't mean it was a fraudulent election: They do that in Chicago all the time. However, threatening to withhold food from areas that voted wrong does sort of mean that maybe some people weren't too eager to starve...

They mention election watchers, not noting that these were from nice democracies like Iran...and kept out a lot of neutral observers from real democracies... big deal...

A very depressing story and probably a million will starve or die of famine related disease without a single demonstration from the Catholic left or Move on...

Mark Steyn
recycles an old column on this that will make you laugh at a bad seems the commonwealth sent Mugabe a letter saying that if he didn't change his ways they'd be werry werry angwy...

Read the last paragraph...I can't link because the children might read it...

ignore if duplicate. I'm having problems with blogger

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