Sunday, May 08, 2005

Hospital terror threat

Hmm...there have been several incidents in the USA (New Jersey, Detroit etc) by middle eastern types dressed neatly as doctors going into hospitals asking to be shown around and asking about information on hospitals.

Now, as the article states, this is not unusual (druggies and thieves are known to do this)...but druggies and thieves are, how do I put it, usually either obvious white trash, or "minorities"...not middle eastern looking and well dressed it caused a heads up to Homeland security.

Hospitals have germs that could be released and would have chemicals, but more likely the object is to find nuclear material...after all, since one alqada cache had smoke detectors collected to get the low grade nuclear material, imagine what you could do with some of the "needle implants" they use for cancer? No, it wouldn't make a regular nuke, but it would make a "dirty bomb"...

But this alert tells us two things:

One: if they are "probing" hospitals, they are probably probing other places, such as nuclear plants and chemical factories, but we haven't heard about attacks yet...does this mean they are incompetent, or have they been thwarted, or does it mean when it comes it will be a biggie?

second: would the government keep it quiet? Well, anyone following the story of that reporter who was on a flight with a bunch of Syrian musicians with out of date visas who were acting very strange last year knows that there are a lot of things going on...on airplanes... but unless you see small news reports, you don't pick up the last week a "middle eastern" doctor kept hanging around the toilet near the front and wouldn't sit down when asked...and was arrested. False alarm?

And, given the large number of Muslim doctors in the USA, it tells us a third thing: They aren't getting a lot of cooperation from American Muslim immigrants...(leftist activists who convert, or thugs converted in prison are probably much more dangerous than Pakistani or Iranian immigrant doctors).. thank God.

Here in the Philippines, around Easter, there were two bombs and lots of threats but then the police found lots of explosives in an apartment and it's been follow up in the news since then...real threat? Who knows...

Luckily, we are far enough away from the big city not to worry...we only worry about volcanoes, monsoons, car accidents, dysentary, food poisoning, and being robbed.

So Robin, tell John it's okay to's probably safer than visiting Washington DC...

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