Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Milk, diabetes and lactose intolorance

A couple months ago, there were links of diabetes with drinking milk.
This week they say mild protects against diabetes...
The only people who can physically drink a lot of milk are Indo Europeans...India and western Europe...
As my patients tell me:
American Indians don't drink milk.("it makes my stomach cramp")
Africans don't drink milk ("I only drink milk when it is ripe" i.e. buttermilk)
African Americans don't drink milk ("I only drink a glass when I'm constipated")
In Colombia, yogurt is sold in isolated mountain towns like the one my sons came from , because it's easier to digest...yogurt, of course, was made by Armenians who also can't digest milk...
And Asians don't drink milk.
The reason: Lactose Intolorance.
Now, separate the races (including lots of Tenneseeans, Okies and Kentuckians who have Native American blood) and then redo your study...

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