A couple months ago, my stepdaughter Robin sent us some 100% cotton cloth to make dresses. I used one bolt of cotton poplin to make a blouse/pants and housedress. ( I can sew well enough to do house stuff, but not well enough for "good" clothes. I can't fit perfectly, and the patterns don't always match, for example.)
So today we went to the tailor.
Lolo wants one bright print made into a Hawaiian style shirt. He has several of these (one yuppie catalogue sells them for a very high price, and he used to wear them to Church in Oklahoma! A Pinoy among the cowboys and Indians).
Joy needs dresses, but the woman's dressmaker was closed this morning, so we will have to go later.
We can buy ready made clothes, but they are often polyester blend and very expensive...for example, I pain $10 US for a simple tee shirt that would cost about the same in Walmart...and since few Filippinas are size 20, I usually make or have my clothes made.
Since the woman's dressmaker was closed, I asked if we could buy me some sandals. I have several pairs of shoes, but my only sandals are my Birkenstocks...UGLY but comfortable when one has arthritis...alas, I got them wet in the last thunderstorm, so I requested a local pair to wear around.
Instead of going to the big market in town, we went to the local sandal shop, where they make the sandals.
I bought two pair for about $4 US. They would cost double that in the local market. So now I not only have a rubber sandal for rain, and a nice attractive blue sandal for church...
Manolo's influence, I guess...
I don't have many good photos of town, but the one posted below is an example of some of the local shops.
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