Thursday, July 28, 2005

Asian flu alert

Winds of Change blog has a discussion on Asian flu and it's implications...

There is a big worry in Asia about this, so far mainly that it is ruining the chicken industry (not to mention that it is endangering our fighting cocks)...


However, the real danger is if pig flu gets mixed with this bird flu. You see, most influenza epidemics start with pig influenza jumping to humans. There has been some cases of humans catching bird flu, but so far no hybrid of birdflu/human flu which could spread into an epidemic similar to the 1918 pandemic.

I believe the 1918 pandemic turned out to be pig flu, (I'm audioreading a book on it now, but the information keeps changing).

Oh well, since we already have to worry about Dengue fever, diarrhea, food poisoning, red tide, and other normal infections that go around in the Philippines, the possibility of bird flu is just one more thing...

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