Monday, July 11, 2005

Clueless Hollywood?

Mystery writer Roger L Simon wonders....

And Drudge notes that Tom Cruise WOTW has been beaten at the boxoffice because of a film on....penguin migrations...

(must be an x rated penguin movie...or maybe the penguins are more charismatic than "I love myself" Tom...)...

Of course, here the films on HBO asia are cruddy stuff...I'll channel surf and see the same old "meaningful glances" or car crashes when I pass by (HBO and Cinemax are between Discovery and Disney channels here)...

and the new movies are pirated and sold on the street by vendors...and you will find Tom's latest bomb right next to Gloria's CD of "how to steal an election"...

ah, the free market.


Update: Now even the LATimes is noticing the bias is hurting the box office.......

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