Saturday, August 13, 2005


For all of you who like wooden dialogue and preachiness, take heart...the world is ending again, this time by the "left behind" people...

Of course, if you read the "LB" series, you know all of us who are stupid Catholics who did not say the right formula of belief are left behind...

You see, this is a "pre trib" movie, and catholic are "post trib"...the pretrib people think that at the last persecution, they will be zapped out fo the world, and only those who haven't been "born again" according to their definition will be left behind.

most of the people who figure they'll be zapped out of danger are middle class Americans...who feel they are so loved by God he'll never expect them to suffer..

And so My sarcastic comment is that since millions of Polish, Russian, Bulgarian, Chinese, Pakistani, Indonesian, and African Christians have been martyred, why do these rich yankees figure they get a free pain free lift home?

Max Kolbe, call your office, Sister Edith is on the line...

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