MEGO is short for "My Eyes Glaze Over"...where a story or a lecture is sooooo boring that you fall asleeeeep...(like Ben Stein's lecture in Ferris Bueller)...
But while the MSM and many bloggers are busy discussing if releasing the name of a retired CIA operative (while ignoring the CIA leaks against Bush) is a crime, or about Bush appointing a cronie to the Supreme court, a much larger but more boring story is being ignored...
Summary: Lots of bribery by Sadam Hussein...lots of money laundering which may have gone to terrorists, lots of people at the UN who got rich, and lots of money going to people in certain anti war European countries, including France and Luxenburg...
YAWN...sounds like normal shenanigans in Manila...Gloria, call your office, your "Hello Garci" CD is on sale on EBAY.....