Monday, October 24, 2005

New supergerm? or new outbreak of old disease?

This article makes it sound like it will come to the US thanks to the Iraq war...(a backhanded way of bashing the war according to the MSM agenda?)

But this LINK suggests that it is mainly a danger to those with poor immune systems...and has been present in 1-2% of ICU infections for a long time....

The report on the Iraq outbreak is HERE...

There have been over 100 case, but no American soldiers have died of it so far.

Most of the cases come from contaminated limb wounds...

The sources of the A. baumannii that led to the infections described in this report are under investigation. During the Vietnam War, A. baumannii was reported to be the most common gram-negative bacillus recovered from traumatic injuries to extremities, and more recent reports have identified A. baumannii infections in patients who suffered traumatic injuries, suggesting environmental contamination of wounds as a potential source

In other words, an old pathogen...just a new problem, or rather an old problem that has returned, partly due to the fact that the wounded no longer die of strep cellulitis or gas gangrene or shock.....

EMEDICINE has a nice report HERE....
Internationally: Acinetobacter is a common colonizer of patients in the intensive care setting. Acinetobacter colonization is particularly common in patients who are intubated and in those who have multiple intravenous lines or monitoring devices, surgical drains, or indwelling urinary catheters. Acinetobacter infections are rare and occur almost exclusively in hospitalized patients

The main problem seems to be that it is resistant to most antibiotics...and mainly dangerous if there is an outbreak among the elderly, HIV patients etc...

Of course you don't have to go to Iraq to get infected HERE is a pdf about endocarditis in the Manila heart hospital...2 cases were acetobacter....or THIS, where 60% of eye wash solution was contaminated..or HERE, where it caused 4 of 81 cases of meningitis in infants...

I suspect the reports in Manila hospitals are due to the high level of medicine rather than a high level of infection....