Saturday, October 01, 2005

St Theresa's feast day today

And the link is to Project Gutenburg, which has a link to her autobiography on line

Catholics know her as "the little Flower" but she is called that because she speaks to those of us who don't do "great" deeds, who are not mystics ascending to a higher power, or who don't serve as missionaries or great leaders.

To be holy, she said, all we have to do is little deeds, but with love...

Sounds easy? Well, not if you follow, like she does, St Paul's definition of love:

Love is patient, love is kind,Love knows not jealousy,Love is never boastful, nor proud, nor unseemly.Love is not selfish nor easily provoked.Love knows nothing of wrong and does not rejoice at the misfortune of others. It only delights in the Truth.There is nothing love cannot bear, no limit to its faith, its hope, or its endurance.

one of the "great deeds" that she did was not to tell off a nun who kept accidentally splashing her with water when they did the dishes together...another was that she ate with relish the delicate dishes that her older sister prepared for her, even though the rich dishes gave her heartburn and she would have preferred bread and cheese...

With such "little" deeds, anyone can be a saint...